We’ll share some thoughts on when it’s a really good idea to have more than one will, how to go about preparing one, and how it will play out after your death.
If things fall apart and divorce looms it is easy in all the stress and hurly-burly of the break-up to forget all about your will.
Individuals and special trusts will benefit from bracket and other inflation-linked adjustments proposed in Budget 2023.
How to go about your financial planning so as to maximise the benefits to your spouse, your children and your grandchildren.
Many employees approaching the “Big Sixty” will have no intention of giving up work any time soon and will be asking their employers if they can stay on. We have a warning – “age discrimination” is an “automatically unfair” form of dismissal which carries severe consequences for offenders.
A tragic High Court case, in which a cruel twist of fate took a mother before her instruction to a bank to draw a proper will for her could be implemented, illustrates the danger of thinking “it can wait”. It can’t…
A Legacy Letter is a way for you to share your values, life lessons, cherished memories, hopes for your family’s future, and anything else that is really important to you.
Your will lies at the heart of ensuring that your loved ones will be able to cope financially once you are gone, so it is of course vital that it be both valid and an accurate reflection of your wishes.