Mcintyre van der post
Welcome to
van der post
Two firms of attorneys, McIntyre & Watkeys and Wiley van der Post, both established in the 19th Century, amalgamated on 1 March 1957 and the new firm, McIntyre & Van der Post came into being. In the subsequent 60-odd years we have grown and developed further, offering an even wider range of legal services. Today we are a large firm of attorneys that specialises in Property, Estates, Collections, Commercial Law, Family Law and General Litigation.
Change calls for innovation. Innovation leads to progress. Concepts that we embrace.
practice areas
Property Law
Assistance with all property (movable and immovable) related transactions including the financing and transfer of ownership thereof.
Commercial Law
The rights, relations and conduct of people and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade and sales.
Court Department
All personal and corporate litigation in the Magistrates’ Court, Regional Court, High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal.
Estates and Wills
The process of arranging and drafting all legal documentation regarding the management and disposal of deceased or insolvent estates.
Family Law
Legal process relating to family relationships such as adoption, divorce, child custody, child support and all related legal matters.
Debt Collection
Legal assistance and advice for creditors and debtors relating to the process and execution of the collection of outstanding debts.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to providing a range of quality legal and associated services to the entire community in accordance with its expectations and changing needs.
We direct all our efforts towards achieving a particular goal.
We are wholeheartedly dedicated and loyal to each cause, activity or challenge.
We are able to successfully produce a desired or intended result, because we are trained professionals.
We devote our individual time and energy towards each specific client.
Our courts are bound by their previous decisions on matters of law when deciding other, similar cases. Similarly, lower courts…
Retrenchment is at best an unpleasant and disruptive business for all concerned – and it can cost employers a great deal of money in the form of severance pay.
We’ll share some thoughts on when it’s a really good idea to have more than one will, how to go about preparing one, and how it will play out after your death.
You buy a vacant plot in a security estate and happily start drawing up plans for your dream home. Disaster strikes when out of the blue you are hit by the Homeowners’ Association with triple levies.
“Juristic (or legal) personality” is an important concept stemming from the principle that certain entities can have the same rights…
Our courts have signalled clearly that they will not tolerate digital abuse, with a recent R3.55m damages award against a couple.
We have a look at an important new High Court decision tackling the thorny question of whether learners can be barred from school if their parents don’t pay fees.
As a company director you must comply with a plethora of legal and fiduciary duties, so it’s essential to manage your risk of being sued personally for company debts and losses.
Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.
– Eleanor Roosevelt –

McIntyre Van der Post Inc.
Registration number: 1998/002098/21