Your “domicile” is your “legal home or a home for legal purposes”. Everyone has a domicile, and you can only…
Creating a safe working environment for your employees isn’t just a smart business move, it’s also one of your legal responsibilities.
If you’ve read about the new “corruption reporting law” and assumed it doesn’t affect you because you’re just a small business owner, think again. It most definitely does.
We all want to leave our loved ones as financially secure as possible when we die. But that involves more than just the basics of executing a valid will, choosing a competent and professional executor, and of course leaving enough asset value in your estate.
Bad neighbours can make life in a complex unbearable. The good news is that our law provides several quick and effective ways to protect yourself and your family from the tyrant next door.
Understand how the new ‘three-pot’ retirement system impacts your savings and divorce settlements, plus tips on managing the ‘savings pot’ risk.
An important and commonly encountered legal concept, the Latin phrase “bona fide” translates to “in good faith”, implying an absence…
What happens if a buyer can’t get a mortgage bond as specified in the sale agreement but still wants to continue with the sale on a cash basis?
Recording conversations can be a powerful tool in both our business and personal lives, but it’s essential to understand the legal boundaries.
Your will could be the most important document you ever sign. A recent court fight over a poorly-drafted joint will is a stark reminder to make sure that every word in it is correct.